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Look at what i found - OLD SWG Pics of me

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  • Look at what i found - OLD SWG Pics of me

    remember when we had AT-STs attacking us in Mos Espa??

    i remember this day too - was new to the game maybe a couple weeks after launch and yes i walked to Mos Espa from Mos Eisley - lol - then came across this group and they asked me to jon them - when i was about to these Imperials showed up with an AT-ST and we went to work on it...was a lot of fun back then when we had this kind of content

    i remember traveling through Endor and getting stopped by a Probe Droid - i killed it and it called in Storm Troopers which ended up killing me after a good LONG fight

    a couple more from Mos Espa back in the day after we destroyed the AT-ST - some Imperial Storm Troopers were still going through the city doing inspections and ID checks (its different than it is now with the current inspection routine)

    see the Storm Trooper walked up to me and DB'd me - i havent had that happen in a long long time