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It’s no surprise the community have banded together to speak out against the v

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  • It’s no surprise the community have banded together to speak out against the v

    It’s no surprise the community have banded together to speak out against the views of Colin Cowherd which were founded on little to no truth about eSports whatsoever.

    But instead of raising our pitchforks, which is tempting, we urge you guys to spread the good word about eSports so that we can all better inform our friends, families and colleagues about the incredible digital revolution that’s happening right in front of us. Last year the League of Legends world finals had more people watch than the finales of Breaking Bad, Two and a Half Men and Game of Thrones S4 put together. 205 million people watch eSports worldwide. More than 70 million people play League of Legends each month. 100m people watch games on Twitch each month. Entire stadiums have been filled by fans which travel around the world to watch professionals who pour their heart and soul into some of the most complex calculations and communication the human brain is capable of. The fact is, friends, that eSports has arrived whether Colin Cowherd likes it or not.

    Spread the word. Pioneer eSports.
